Video parameters

Video parameters is the first panel of module Simulation. Access the panel content by pressing Bottom arrow. The panel closes automatically after other panels open or after pressing Top arrow.

Use this panel to define the settings of data acquisition like camera noise and video characteristics.

Panel components

  1. Video length
  2. Video dimensions
  3. Frame rate
  4. Pixel size
  5. Bit depth
  6. Camera SNR characteristics

Video length

Defines the total number of image frames in the video.

It is usually noted L

default: L = 4000 frames —

Video dimensions

Define the dimensions of video frames in pixels , following the x- (a) and y- (b) directions.

default: 256-by-256 pixels

Frame rate

Defines the acquisition rate of the video in frames per second (fps).

It is usually noted f and is linked to the acquisition time texp by the relation:

f = \frac{1}{t_{\textup{exp}}}

with texp in seconds

default: f = 10 fps

Pixel size

Defines the square dimensions of a pixel in micrometers.

It is used in the conversion of PSF widths from micrometers to pixels.

default: 0.53 μm

Bit depth

Defines the camera digitization bit depth in bit/pixel that sets the range of pixel values.

It is used to calculate the saturation pixel value in the video.

default: 14 bit/pixel

Camera SNR characteristics

Use this interface to define the camera noise distribution and the conversion of photon counts to images counts.

Select the camera noise model in (a) and set the corresponding parameters in (b).

Available camera noise models are:

Refer to table Model parameters for an exhaustive list of model parameters.

Offset only

Photon counts μpc are ideally converted to image counts μic such as:

\mu_{\textup{ic}} = \mu_{\textup{pc}}

A constant camera dark count μic,d is then added.

default: μic,d = 113 ic

P- or Poisson

Photon counts μpc are converted to electron counts μec with a detection efficiency η such as:

\mu_{\textup{ec}} = \mu_{\textup{pc}} \times \eta

Electron counts are distributed following a Poisson distribution and are ideally converted to image counts μic such as:

\mu_{\textup{ic}} = \mu_{\textup{ec}}

A constant camera dark count μic,d is then added.


N- or Gaussian

Photon counts μpc are converted to electron counts μec with a detection efficiency η such as:

\mu_{\textup{ec}} = \mu_{\textup{pc}} \times \eta

Electron counts are converted to image counts μic with an overall gain K such as:

\mu_{\textup{ic}} = \mu_{\textup{ec}} \times K

A constant camera dark count μic,d is added and image counts are distributed following a Gaussian distribution of mean μic and standard deviation σic.

σic depends on μic, the readout noise standard deviation σd and the analog-to-digital noise standard deviation σq such as:

\sigma_{\textup{ic}} = \sqrt{\mu_{\textup{ic}} + ( K × \sigma_{\textup{d}} )^{2} + \sigma_{\textup{q}}^{2}}

default: values taken from the literature (reference here):

NExpN- or Gaussian + exponential tail

Photon counts μpc are converted to electron counts μec with a detection efficiency η such as:

\mu_{\textup{ec}} = \mu_{\textup{pc}} \times \eta

Electron counts are converted to image counts μic with an overall gain K such as:

\mu_{\textup{ic}} = \mu_{\textup{ec}} \times K

A constant camera dark count μic,d is added and image counts are distributed following an exponential-tailed Gaussian distribution with mean μic, standard deviation σic, tail contribution ACIC and exponential decay constant τCIC.

This model is purely empirical: model parameters are obtained by fitting the distribution P of image counts obtain from a camera with closed shutter μic,0 with the function:

\textup{P}(\mu_{\textup{ic,0}}) = ( 1-A_{\textup{CIC}} )\textup{exp}\left [ -\frac{( \mu_{\textup{ic,0}} - \mu_{\textup{ic,d}} )^{2}}{2\sigma_{\textup{ic}}^{2}} \right ] + A_{\textup{CIC}}\textup{exp}\left ( - \frac{\mu_{\textup{ic,0}}}{\tau_{\textup{CIC}}}  \right )

To fit dark count distribution with the NExpN model, you can use our home-written script located at:


default: values taken from the literature (reference here):

PGN- or Hirsch

Photon counts μpc are converted to electron counts μec with a detection efficiency η and a contribution of clock-induced charges CIC such as:

\mu_{\textup{ec}} = \mu_{\textup{pc}} \times \eta + CIC

Electron counts are distributed following a Poisson distribution of mean μec and are then multiplied in the electron-multiplier (EM) register following a gamma distribution with shape parameter μec and the EM gain g, for scale parameter.

Multiplied electron counts are converted to image counts μic with an analog-to-digital factor s such as:

\mu_{\textup{ic}} = \frac {\mu_{\textup{ic}}}{s}

A constant camera dark count μic,d is added and image counts are distributed following a Gaussian distribution of mean μic and standard deviation σic that represent the readout noise standard deviation σd converted to image counts with the analog-to-digital factor s such as:

\sigma_{\textup{ic}} = \frac {\sigma_{\textup{d}}}{s}

default: values taken from the literature (reference here):

  • μic,d = 113 ic
  • η = 0.95 ec/pc
  • g = 300
  • σd = 0.067 ec
  • s = 5.199 ec/ic
  • CIC = 0.02 ec

Model parameters

The parameters used in camera noise models are summarized in the table below:

parameter units description in model
μic,d ic signal offset none, P, N, NexpN, PGN
η ec/pc detection efficiency P, N, NexpN, PGN
K ic overall gain N, NExpN
sat (read only) ic saturation value N
σd ec readout noise deviation N, PGN
σq ic analog-to-digital conversion noise deviation N
τCIC ic exponential tail decay constant NExpN
ACIC   exponential decay contribution NExpN
σic ic Gaussian standard deviation NExpN
g   system gain PGN
s ec/ic analog-to-digital factor PGN
CIC ec CIC offset PGN

The saturation value is calculated from random distributions using the Bit rate. For more information about the saturation value calculations, please refer to the source code at:



  • ic: image count
  • pc: photon count
  • ec: electron count
  • CIC: clock-induced charges