Simulated coordinates files

Simulated coordinates files are ASCII files with the extension .crd. They are usually found in the main/simulations/coordinates analysis folder.

Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. File name
  3. Structure
  4. Compatibility


The simulated coordinates file is written in ASCII format and contain pixel positions of single molecules in the simulated video.

It is created in the /simulations/coordinates analysis sub-folder when exporting simulated coordinates in panel Export options of module Simulation.

File name

The file is named by the user during the export process.


Coordinates are written in double precision and are organized in a column-wise fashion. X- and y-coordinates in donor channel are written in columns 1 and 2 respectively, and in columns 3 and 4 for the acceptor channel.

4.2285969e+01   1.9739940e+02   1.7028597e+02   1.9739940e+02
1.6971164e+01   4.3859023e+01   1.4497116e+02   4.3859023e+01
1.2137841e+01   8.4467824e+01   1.4013784e+02   8.4467824e+01


Simulated coordinates files can be imported: