Background analyzer files

Background analyzer files are ASCII files with the extension .bga. They are usually found in the main analysis folder.

Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. File name
  3. Structure


Background analyzer files are data-specific and contain background intensities for all molecules in the project, calculated by screening method parameters.

They are created in the main analysis folder after saving results from window Background analyzer of module Trace processing.

File name

The file is named after the selected project file in module Trace processing with the extension _[Eee]-[L]nm, where [Eee] is the label given to the detection channel and [L] the laser excitation wavelength.


Background intensities are organized column-wise with:

  • columns subimage_size(pix) and param_1 containing the first and second method parameters
  • columns mean_value and std_value containing the mean and standard deviations of background intensities calculated for all molecules, using units defined in Intensity units
  • columns mol_[n] containing background intensities calculated for molecule [n]
subimage_size(pix)	param_1	mean_value(a.u. /pix /s)	std_value(a.u. /pix /s)	mol_1(a.u. /pix /s)	mol_2(a.u. /pix /s)	mol_3(a.u. /pix /s)	...
1			3	1454.842			126.1346		1367.62			1454.621		1424.812		...
1			5	1421.966			59.79676		1366.395		1435.047		1425.016		...
1			7	1409.24				42.70327		1362.665		1432.15			1426.82			...