Trace file from simulation

Trace files from simulation are binary Matlab files with the extension .mat. They are usually found in the main/simulations analysis folder.

Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. File name
  3. Structure
  4. Compatibility


This trace file contains the simulated data of all molecules written in MATLAB binary format. It includes molecule coordinates in the video, simulated intensity-time traces and intensity units.

It is created in the /simulations analysis sub-folder after exporting *.mat traces in panel Export options of module Simulation.

File name

The file is named by the user during the export process.


The simulated trace file consists in a data structure with the following fields:

field name description data type value
coord coordinates in the simulated video of the N molecules N-by-4 double  
Trace_all simulated intensity-time traces of length L L-by-(2+2N) double  
units intensity units string a.u. or photons

coord is organized in a column-wise fashion, with x- and y-coordinates in donor channel written in columns 1 and 2 respectively, and written in columns 3 and 4 for the acceptor channel.

Trace_all is also organized in a column-wise fashion, with column 1 containing time data column 2 the frame indexes. Intensities are written in the following columns, with donor intensities in odd- and acceptor in even-indexed columns respectively.


Simulated trace files are MATLAB binary files and can be imported in MATLAB’s workspace by simply drag-and-dropping the file, or by typing in MATLAB’s command window:


and replacing datafolder\traces.mat by your actual file name and directory.