Parameter file from trace processing

Processing parameter files are ASCII files with the extension .log. They are usually found in the main/traces_processing/parameters analysis folder.

Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. File name
  3. Structure


Processing parameter files are molecule-specific and contain the methods and parameters used to process the exported data set.

They are created in the /trace_processing/parameters analysis sub-folder when exporting parameters to an external file in window Export options of module Trace processing.

File name

The file is named by the user during the export process.

By default, the file is named after the project file loaded in Trace processing, and is appended with the extension _mol[n]of[N] with [n] the index of the molecule written in the file and [N] the total number of exported molecules.


Processing methods and parameters are recorded using the following structure:


Project parameters are common to all type of processing and are written such as:

> project file: 
> project created with MASH-FRET version:
> project creation:
> last project modification:
> file exported with MASH-FRET version:

Video processing

These parameters consist in the video and coordinates used to build initial intensity-time traces. Video processing parameters common to all types of import are:

> frame rate:
> frame rate after re-sampling:
> pixel integration area:
> number of brightest pixels integrated:

If traces were exported form panel Intensity integration of module Video processing or if a single molecule video (SMV) was imported together with ASCII traces in module Trace processing according to the Import options, the SMV file is written such as:

> movie file: C:\MyDataFolder\experiment_01\simulations\sim.sira

Similarly, if a traces were exported form panel Intensity integration of module Video processing or if single molecule coordinates were imported together with ASCII traces in module Trace processing according to the Import options, the coordinates file is written such as:

> coordinates file: C:\MyDataFolder\experiment_01\video_processing\coordinates\transformed\sim_ave.coord

Experiment settings

Experiment settings are common to all types of projects and are written such as:

> alternated lasers used in experiment (chronological order):
> emitter-specific detection channels and illuminations:
> experimental parameters:
> FRET calculations:
> stoichiometry calculations:


These parameters consist in the molecule status in the sample, as well as the methods and parameters used to process intensity-time traces. Molecule parameters are common to all types of processing and are written such as:

> molecule index:
> molecule label:
> molecule coordinates: 
> intensity units:
> background correction: 
> factor corrections: 
> denoising:
> photobleaching correction:
> discretisation:

Factor correction parameters depends on the experiment settings. Factor correction parameters written in file for experiments with more than one detection channel are:

	bleedthrough coefficients of emitter [Eee0]: Bt=[...] in [Eee1]

or otherwise:

	no bleedthrough possible

with [Eee0] and [Eee1] the labels of two different detection channels.

Factor correction parameters written in file for experiments with several alternated laser are:

	direct excitation coefficients of emitter [Eee0]: DE=[...] at [L]nm

or, in case emitter-specific excitation laser wavelength is undefined:

	direct excitation coefficients of emitter [Eee0]: not possible (emitter-specific illumination not defined or used in experiment)

or otherwise:

	no direct excitation possible

with [Eee0] the label of a detection channel and [L] an unspecific excitation laser wavelength.

Factor correction parameters written in file for project including FRET calculations:

	correction factors for FRET_[Ddd]>[Aaa]: gamma=..., beta=...

or otherwise:

	no gamma or beta correction possible

with [Ddd] and [Aaa] the labels of detection channels where donor and acceptor fluorescence are specifically detected.