#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import heapq
_dist_list = np.sqrt(np.array([1, 2, 3, 5, 6])) # reduction to 74 neighbors
[docs]class Grid3D:
"""Class object holding a 3D grid
mol_xyzr : ndarray
array of x-,y-,z-coordinates and VdW radii with a shape [n_atoms, 4]
attach_xyz : ndarray
one-dimensional array of x-,y-,z-coordinates of the attachment point
(corresponds to the center of the grid)
linker_length : float
length of the dye linker in Angstrom
linker_width : float
diameter of the dye linker in Angstrom
dye_radii : ndarray([3,1])
array of dye radii in Angstrom with shape [3,1]
grid_spacing : float
spacing between grid points (in A)
Attributes of the LabelLib class are:
- discStep : float (the grid spacing)
- originXYZ : numpy.array (x-/y-/z-coordinate of the grid origin)
- shape : numpy.array (number of grid points in x-/y-/z-direction)
- grid : numpy.array (flattened list of grid point values)
def __init__(self, mol_xyzr, attach_xyz, linker_length, linker_width, dye_radii, grid_spacing, simulation_type):
self.discStep = grid_spacing
self.attach_xyz = attach_xyz
self.grid_3d, self.originXYZ, self.originAdj = self.make_grid(attach_xyz, linker_length, grid_spacing)
self.shape = np.array(self.grid_3d.shape)
self.halfCubeLength = min(self.shape) * self.discStep * 0.5
self.grid_3d = self.block_molecule(mol_xyzr, 0.5 * linker_width)
maxR = 3 * grid_spacing
maxR_source = linker_width + grid_spacing
self.grid_3d = self.dijkstra_init(maxR, maxR_source)
self.grid_3d = self.setAboveTreshold(self.grid_3d, linker_length, -4)
self.grid_3d = self.setAboveTreshold(self.grid_3d, 0, 1)
if simulation_type == "AV1":
dye_radii = [dye_radii[0]]
self.grid_3d = self.excludeConcentricSpheres(mol_xyzr, dye_radii, 1)
self.grid = self.grid_3d.flatten(order="F")
[docs] @staticmethod
def make_grid(attach_xyz, linker_length, grid_spacing):
"""Build a 3D grid around the attachment point
attach_xyz : ndarray
one-dimensional array of x-,y-,z-coordinates of the attachment point
(corresponds to the center of the grid)
linker_length : float
length of the dye linker in Angstrom
grid_spacing : float
spacing between grid points (in A)
tuple of ndarray
3-dimensional array of grid points with a shape of 2*ll_padRound+1, minimum of the grid, origin of the grid
ll_pad = linker_length + 3 * grid_spacing # pad the linker_length
ll_padRound = np.ceil(ll_pad / grid_spacing) * grid_spacing # round to next higher grid value
xyz_min = attach_xyz - ll_padRound
originAdj = xyz_min - 0.5 * grid_spacing
gridptsPerEdge = 2 * int(ll_padRound / grid_spacing + 0.5) # + 1
grid_3d = np.full((gridptsPerEdge, gridptsPerEdge, gridptsPerEdge), np.inf)
for i in range(gridptsPerEdge):
for j in range(gridptsPerEdge):
for k in range(gridptsPerEdge):
ijk = np.array([i, j, k])
maxRSq = int(linker_length ** 2 / grid_spacing ** 2 + 0.5)
ijk0 = (attach_xyz - xyz_min) / grid_spacing
dSq = np.sum((ijk - ijk0) ** 2)
if dSq > maxRSq:
grid_3d[(i, j, k)] = -1
return grid_3d, xyz_min, originAdj
[docs] @staticmethod
def _xyz2idx(xyz, originAdj, grid_spacing, decimals=6):
"""Get the ijk grid indices for a set of xyz values
xyz : ndarray
xyz coordinates
originAdj : ndarray
origin of the grid
grid_spacing : float
spacing between grid points (in A)
decimals : int
decimal to round to
Round to n-decimal places (here: 4) before casting to integer
return np.round(((xyz - originAdj) / grid_spacing), decimals).astype(np.int64)
[docs] def block_molecule(self, mol_xyzr, extraClash):
"""Block the grid points which are within the VdW radius of any atom of the biomolecule plus an extra clash radius
mol_xyzr : ndarray
array of x-,y-,z-coordinates and VdW radii with a shape [n_atoms, 4]
extraClash : float
clash radius added to the VdW radius
3-dimensional array of grid points with a shape of 2*adjL+1
maxVdW_extraClash = np.max(mol_xyzr[:, 3]) + extraClash
neighbor_list = nb.typed.List()
[neighbor_list.append(n) for n in self.sortedNeighborIdx(maxVdW_extraClash)]
if not neighbor_list:
raise ValueError("Neighbor list is empty")
ijk_atom = self._xyz2idx(mol_xyzr[:, 0:3], self.originAdj, self.discStep)
outDistSq = (self.halfCubeLength + maxVdW_extraClash) ** 2
distSq = np.sum((mol_xyzr[:, 0:3] - self.attach_xyz) ** 2, 1)
grid_3d = self._carve_VdWextraClash(
self.grid_3d, mol_xyzr, neighbor_list, ijk_atom, extraClash, distSq, outDistSq, self.shape
return grid_3d
[docs] def dijkstra_init(self, maxR, maxR_source):
"""Initialize the Dijkstra search algorithm
maxR : float
radius within to search for neighbors
maxRsource : float
radius within to search for neighbors in the first round of the Dijkstra algorithm
3-dimensional array of grid points with a shape of 2*adjL+1
ai, aj, ak = self._xyz2idx(self.attach_xyz, self.originAdj, self.discStep)
self.grid_3d[ai, aj, ak] = 0
priority_queue = [(0.0, (ai, aj, ak))]
priority_queue = nb.typed.List()
[priority_queue.append(x) for x in [(0.0, (ai, aj, ak))]]
edges_ess = nb.typed.List()
[edges_ess.append(x) for x in self.essential_neighbors(self.sortedNeighborIdx(maxR), _dist_list)]
edges_src = nb.typed.List()
[edges_src.append(x) for x in self.sortedNeighborIdx(maxR_source)]
grid_3d = self.dijkstra(self.grid_3d, edges_ess, edges_src, priority_queue, (ai, aj, ak))
return grid_3d
[docs] def sortedNeighborIdx(self, maxR):
"""Build a neighbor list with a maximal extent given by maxR and sorted by increasing distance
from the origin
maxR : float
radius within to search for neighbors
list of 2-tuples of ndarray and float
the tuples contain the ijk indices and the distance from the origin (0,0,0)
idxs = self._neighborIdx(maxR, self.discStep)
idxs.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
return idxs
[docs] @staticmethod
def _neighborIdx(maxR, grid_spacing):
"""Build a list of neighboring indices to the origin (0,0,0)
maxR : float
radius within which to search for neighbors
grid_spacing : float
spacing between grid points (in A)
list of 2-tuples of ndarray and float
the tuples contain the ijk indices and the distance from the origin (0,0,0), e.g. [(1.0,array([-1,0,0]))]
The neighbor list is built from an origin set at (0,0,0). imaxR defines the number of indices
along one axis (i,j or k) to build the index cube.
For imaxR=3, first a cube of 7*7*7=343 indices is built (1).
This is reduced in a second step to 123 indices that have a distance < imaxR from the origin (2).
Finally, they are reduced 74 essential neighbors by the distances in _dist_list (3).
(this last reduction speeds up the Dikstra algorithm due to the shorter neighbor list without loosing much
idxs = []
maxRSq = maxR ** 2
imaxR = int(maxR / grid_spacing + 0.5) # rounds to next integer
# (1) build a cube with (2*imaxR+1)**3 indices
for k in range(-imaxR, imaxR + 1, 1):
for j in range(-imaxR, imaxR + 1, 1):
for i in range(-imaxR, imaxR + 1, 1):
ijk = np.array([i, j, k], dtype=int)
# (2) only accept indices with 0 < dS < imaxRSq
dSq = np.sum(ijk ** 2) * grid_spacing ** 2
if dSq <= maxRSq: # and dSq > 0:
d = np.sqrt(dSq)
idxs.append((d, ijk))
return idxs
[docs] def essential_neighbors(self, idxs, dist_list):
"""Reduce the neighbor list to those indices with a distance from the origin featured in dist_list
idxs : list of 2-tuples of ndarray and float
the tuples contain the ijk indices and the distance from the origin (0,0,0)
dist_list : list
list of distances for neighbor search
If dist_list=sqrt([1, 2, 3, 5, 6]) then the the neighbor list is reduced to 74 neighbors
which make up a spherical shape and are a good compromise between neighbor space and time efficiency
in the Dijkstra algorithm. The smaller this list the faster the Dijkstra algorithm will run
at the expense of the accuracy of the resulting accessible volume (i.e. its "sphericalness")
idxs_ess = []
for e in idxs:
minDiff = min(abs(e[0] - dist_list * self.discStep))
if minDiff < (0.01 * self.discStep):
return idxs_ess
[docs] @staticmethod
def dijkstra(grid_3d, edges_ess, edges_src, priority_queue, start_ijk):
"""Djikstra algorithm with a priority queue
grid_3d : ndarray
3-dimensional array of grid points with a shape given by n_xyz
edges_ess : nb.typed.List of 2-tuples of ndarray and float
list n essential neighbors from the origin (0,0,0)
edges_src : list of 2-tuples of ndarray and float
nb.typed.List of neighbors in the initialization round of the Dijkstra algorithm
priority_queue : list of 2-tuples of ndarray and float
list with distance and index of origin
start_ijk : array
ijk grid indices of the attachment site
3-dimensional array of grid points with a shape given by n_xyz
priority_queue = list(priority_queue)
while priority_queue:
r, idx = heapq.heappop(priority_queue)
if r > grid_3d[idx]:
if idx == start_ijk:
edges = edges_src
edges = edges_ess
for e in edges:
i = idx[0] + e[1][0]
j = idx[1] + e[1][1]
k = idx[2] + e[1][2]
val = grid_3d[i, j, k]
if val < 0:
t_r = r + e[0]
if t_r < val:
grid_3d[i, j, k] = t_r
heapq.heappush(priority_queue, (t_r, (i, j, k)))
return grid_3d
[docs] @staticmethod
def setAboveTreshold(grid_3d, treshold, new_value):
"""Reassign grid values which are above a specified treshold
grid_3d : ndarray
3-dimensional array of grid points with a shape given by n_xyz
treshold : float
grid values above this treshold are reassigned with new_value
new_value : float
new grid value to be assigned
3-dimensional array of grid points with a shape given by n_xyz
for i in range(grid_3d.shape[0]):
for j in range(grid_3d.shape[1]):
for k in range(grid_3d.shape[2]):
if grid_3d[(i, j, k)] > treshold:
grid_3d[(i, j, k)] = new_value
return grid_3d
[docs] def excludeConcentricSpheres(self, mol_xyzr, dye_radii, maxRho):
"""Exclude all grid points which are not compatible with any of the dye radii because of clashing with the VdW surface
mol_xyzr : ndarray
array of x-,y-,z-coordinates and VdW radii with a shape [n_atoms, 4]
dye_radii : ndarray([3,1])
array of dye radii in Angstrom with shape [3,1]
maxRho : float
maximum grid value in the free volume
3-dimensional array of grid points with a shape given by n_xyz
maxVdW_extraClash = np.max(mol_xyzr[:, 3]) + np.max(dye_radii)
neighbor_list = nb.typed.List()
[neighbor_list.append(n) for n in self.sortedNeighborIdx(maxVdW_extraClash)]
dye_radii_sorted = nb.typed.List()
[dye_radii_sorted.append(x) for x in sorted(dye_radii)]
rhos = np.linspace(0, maxRho, len(dye_radii) + 1)
ijk_atom = self._xyz2idx(mol_xyzr[:, 0:3], self.originAdj, self.discStep)
outdistSq = (self.halfCubeLength + maxVdW_extraClash) ** 2
distSq = np.sum((mol_xyzr[:, 0:3] - self.attach_xyz) ** 2, 1)
grid_3d = self._assignRho(
self.grid_3d, mol_xyzr, neighbor_list, ijk_atom, dye_radii_sorted, rhos, distSq, outdistSq, self.shape
return grid_3d
[docs] @staticmethod
def _assignRho(grid_3d, mol_xyzr, neighbor_list, ijk_atom, dye_radii_sorted, rhos, distSq, outdistSq, grid_shape):
"""Loop through the atoms and radii and reassign the grid values with a number 0 < rho < 1.
0.00: grid point is not compatible with any of the three dye radii (clashes with VdW surface)
0.33: grid point is compatible with the smallest dye radius
0.66: grid point is compatible with the smallest two radii
1.00: grid point is compatible with all three dye radii
grid_3d : ndarray
3-dimensional array of grid points with a shape given by n_xyz
mol_xyzr : ndarray
array of x-,y-,z-coordinates and VdW radii with a shape [n_atoms, 4]
neighbor_list : list of 2-tuples of ndarray and float
the tuples contain the ijk indices and the distance from the origin (0,0,0)
ijk_atom : array
ijk grid indices of the atoms of the biomolecule
dye_radii_sorted : array
dye radii sorted in ascending order
rhos : array
array of grid values for assignment, for AV3 [0, 0.33, 0.66, 1] and for AV1 [0, 1]
distSq : float
square of the distance between the grid points to the attachment point
outdistSq : float
square of (halfcubelength + maxVdW_extraClash)
grid_shape : array
number of grid points in x,y and z coordinates
n = len(neighbor_list)
n_radii = len(dye_radii_sorted)
for m in range(mol_xyzr.shape[0]):
if distSq[m] > outdistSq:
s = 0
for r in range(n_radii):
effR = dye_radii_sorted[r] + mol_xyzr[m, 3]
while neighbor_list[s][0] <= effR:
ijk_n = ijk_atom[m] + neighbor_list[s][1]
i, j, k = ijk_n
if not np.any(ijk_n < 0) and not np.any(grid_shape - ijk_n <= 0):
gridval = grid_3d[i, j, k]
grid_3d[i, j, k] = min(rhos[r], gridval)
s += 1
if s >= n:
return grid_3d
[docs] def addWeights(self, das_xyzrm):
"""Reassign those grid values which are part of the contact volume.
das_xyzrm : ndarray
array of xyz coordinates, padded vdW radii and a marking (2.0)
3-dimensional array of grid points with a shape given by n_xyz
maxClash = np.max(das_xyzrm[:, 3]) + self.discStep
neighbor_list = nb.typed.List()
[neighbor_list.append(n) for n in self.sortedNeighborIdx(maxClash)]
ijk_atom = self._xyz2idx(das_xyzrm[:, 0:3], self.originAdj, self.discStep)
outDistSq = (self.halfCubeLength + maxClash) ** 2
distSq = np.sum((das_xyzrm[:, 0:3] - self.attach_xyz) ** 2, 1)
grid_3d = self._assignDensity(self.grid_3d, das_xyzrm, neighbor_list, ijk_atom, distSq, outDistSq, self.shape)
return grid_3d
[docs] @staticmethod
def _assignDensity(grid_3d, das_xyzrm, neighbor_list, ijk_atom, distSq, outDistSq, grid_shape):
"""Loop through the atom of the biomolecule and reassign those grid value which are within das_xyzrm[m, 3]
as they belong to the CV.
grid_3d : ndarray
3-dimensional array of grid points with a shape given by n_xyz
das_xyzrm : ndarray
array of marked coordinates and padded vdW radii (n_atoms = number of atoms in mdtraj.Trajectory)
neighbor_list : list of 2-tuples of ndarray and float
the tuples contain the ijk indices and the distance from the origin (0,0,0)
ijk_atom : array
ijk grid indices of the atoms of the biomolecule
distSq : float
square of the distance between the grid points to the attachment point
outDistSq : float
square of (halfcubelength + maxVdW_extraClash)
grid_shape : array
number of grid points in x,y and z coordinates
3-dimensional array of grid points with a shape given by n_xyz
n = len(neighbor_list)
for m in range(das_xyzrm.shape[0]):
if distSq[m] > outDistSq:
s = 0
while neighbor_list[s][0] <= das_xyzrm[m, 3]:
ijk_n = ijk_atom[m] + neighbor_list[s][1]
i, j, k = ijk_n
if not np.any(ijk_n < 0) and not np.any(grid_shape - ijk_n <= 0):
gridval = grid_3d[i, j, k]
if gridval > 0:
grid_3d[i, j, k] += das_xyzrm[m, 4]
s += 1
if s >= n:
return grid_3d