Source code for fretraj.fret

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np
from fretraj import _LabelLib_found
if _LabelLib_found:
    import LabelLib as ll

[docs]def dist_mp(acv1, acv2): """Compute the distance between mean dye positions R_MP of two accessible contact volumes Parameters ---------- acv1, acv2 : donor and acceptor ACVs Returns ------- float distance between the mean dye positions of acv1 and acv2 """ R_mp = np.sqrt(sum(( - ** 2)) return R_mp
[docs]def dists_DA(acv1, acv2, n_dist=10 ** 6, return_weights=True): """Compute a randomly subsampled donor-acceptor distance distribution for the two accessible volume clouds Parameters ---------- acv1, acv2 : donor and acceptor ACVs n_dist : int, default=10E6 number of distances to calculate return_weights : bool, default=True additional vector with weights Returns ------- ndarray ndarray of shape 1 x n_dist or 2 x n_dist (if weights are included) containing distances between acv1 and acv2 """ if return_weights: idx1 = np.random.choice(len(acv1.cloud_xyzqt), n_dist) idx2 = np.random.choice(len(acv2.cloud_xyzqt), n_dist) R_DA = np.sqrt(np.sum((acv1.cloud_xyzqt[idx1, 0:3] - acv2.cloud_xyzqt[idx2, 0:3]) ** 2, axis=1)) w = acv1.cloud_xyzqt[idx1, 3] * acv2.cloud_xyzqt[idx2, 3] w = w / w.sum() R_DA = np.vstack((R_DA, w)).T else: w1 = acv1.cloud_xyzqt[:, 3] / sum(acv1.cloud_xyzqt[:, 3]) w2 = acv2.cloud_xyzqt[:, 3] / sum(acv2.cloud_xyzqt[:, 3]) idx1 = np.random.choice(len(acv1.cloud_xyzqt), n_dist, p=w1) idx2 = np.random.choice(len(acv2.cloud_xyzqt), n_dist, p=w2) R_DA = np.sqrt(np.sum((acv1.cloud_xyzqt[idx1, 0:3] - acv2.cloud_xyzqt[idx2, 0:3]) ** 2, axis=1)) return R_DA
[docs]def dists_DA_ll(acv1, acv2, n_dist=10 ** 6, return_weights=True): """Compute a randomly subsampled donor-acceptor distance distribution for the two accessible volume clouds Parameters ---------- acv1, acv2 : donor and acceptor ACVs n_dist : int, default=10E6 number of distances to calculate include_weights : bool, default=True additional vector with weights Returns ------- ndarray ndarray of shape 1 x n_dist or 2 x n_dist (if weights are included) containing distances between acv1 and acv2 """ R_DA = np.array(ll.sampleDistanceDistInv(acv1.ll_Grid3D, acv2.ll_Grid3D, n_dist)) if return_weights: w = np.full((1, n_dist), 1 / n_dist) R_DA = np.vstack((R_DA, w)).T return R_DA
[docs]def mean_dist_DA(acv1, acv2, R_DA=None, n_dist=10 ** 6, verbose=False): """Calculate the average donor-acceptor distance <R_DA> between donor and acceptor Parameters ---------- acv1, acv2 : donor and acceptor ACVs R_DA : ndarray ndarray of length n_dist containing distances between acv1 and acv2 n_dist : int, default=10E6 number of distances to calculate verbose: bool Returns ------- float average distance between donor and acceptor """ if R_DA is None: R_DA = dists_DA(acv1, acv2, n_dist) if verbose: print("> calculating R_DAs") if R_DA.ndim > 1: mean_R_DA =[:, 0], R_DA[:, 1]) / R_DA[:, 1].sum() else: np.mean(R_DA) return mean_R_DA
[docs]def mean_dist_DA_ll(acv1, acv2, n_dist=10 ** 6): """Calculate the average donor-acceptor distance <R_DA> between acv1 and acv2 using LabelLib Parameters ---------- acv1, acv2 : donor and acceptor ACVs n_dist : int, default=10E6 number of distances to calculate Returns ------- float average distance between donor and acceptor """ mean_R_DA = ll.meanDistance(acv1.ll_Grid3D, acv2.ll_Grid3D, n_dist) return mean_R_DA
[docs]def std_dist_DA(acv1, acv2, R_DA=None, n_dist=10 ** 6, verbose=False): """Calculate the standard deviation of the donor acceptor distances sigma_R_DA Parameters ---------- acv1, acv2 : donor and acceptor ACVs R_DA : ndarray ndarray of length n_dist containing distances between acv1 and acv2 n_dist : int, default=10E6 number of distances to calculate verbose : bool, default=False be verbose about calculation steps Returns ------- float standard deviation of donor acceptor distances """ if R_DA is None: R_DA = dists_DA(acv1, acv2, n_dist) if verbose: print("> calculating R_DAs") if R_DA.ndim > 1: sigma_R_DA = np.sqrt([:, 0] ** 2, R_DA[:, 1]) -[:, 0], R_DA[:, 1]) ** 2) else: sigma_R_DA = np.std(R_DA) return sigma_R_DA
[docs]def FRET_DA(acv1, acv2, R_DA=None, R0=54, n_dist=10 ** 6, verbose=False): """Calculate the FRET efficiencies E for each donor acceptor distance Parameters ---------- acv1, acv2 : donor and acceptor ACVs R_DA : ndarray, default=None ndarray of length n_dist containing distances between acv1 and acv2 (if None calculate on the fly) R0 : float, default=54 Förster radius in Angstrom n_dist : int, default=10E6 number of distances to calculate verbose : bool, default=False be verbose about calculation steps Returns ------- ndarray ndarray of shape 1 x n_dist or 2 x n_dist (if weights are included) containing FRET efficiencies between acv1 and acv2 Notes ----- The transfer efficiency *E* is given by .. math:: E = \\frac{R_0^6}{R_0^6+R_\\text{DA}^6} """ if R_DA is None: R_DA = dists_DA(acv1, acv2, n_dist) if verbose: print("> calculating R_DAs") if R_DA.ndim > 1: E_DA = np.vstack((R0 ** 6 / (R0 ** 6 + R_DA[:, 0] ** 6), R_DA[:, 1])).T else: E_DA = R0 ** 6 / (R0 ** 6 + R_DA ** 6) return E_DA
[docs]def mean_FRET_DA(acv1, acv2, E_DA=None, R_DA=None, R0=54, n_dist=10 ** 6, verbose=False): """Calculate the average FRET efficiency <E> between donor and acceptor cloud Parameters ---------- acv1, acv2 : donor and acceptor ACVs E_DA : ndarray, default=None ndarray of length n_dist containing FRET efficiencies between acv1 and acv2 (if None calculate on the fly) R_DA : ndarray, default=None ndarray of length n_dist containing distances between acv1 and acv2 (if None calculate on the fly) R0 : float, default=54 Förster radius in Angstrom n_dist : int, default=10E6 number of distances to calculate verbose : bool, default=False be verbose about calculation steps Returns ------- float average FRET efficiency between donor and acceptor cloud """ if E_DA is None: E_DA = FRET_DA(acv1, acv2, R_DA, R0, n_dist, verbose) if verbose: print("> calculating E_DAs") if E_DA.ndim > 1: mean_E_DA =[:, 0], E_DA[:, 1]) / E_DA[:, 1].sum() else: mean_E_DA = np.mean(E_DA) return mean_E_DA
[docs]def std_FRET_DA(acv1, acv2, E_DA=None, R_DA=None, R0=54, n_dist=10 ** 6, verbose=False): """Calculate the standard deviation of the FRET efficiencies sigma_E Parameters ---------- acv1, acv2 : donor and acceptor ACVs E_DA : ndarray, default=None ndarray of length n_dist containing FRET efficiencies between acv1 and acv2 (if None calculate on the fly) R_DA : ndarray, default=None ndarray of length n_dist containing distances between acv1 and acv2 (if None calculate on the fly) R0 : float, default=54 Förster radius in Angstrom n_dist : int, default=10E6 number of distances to calculate verbose : bool, default=False be verbose about calculation steps Returns ------- float standard deviation of the FRET efficiencies """ if E_DA is None: E_DA = FRET_DA(acv1, acv2, R_DA, R0, n_dist, verbose) if verbose: print("> calculating E_DAs") if E_DA.ndim > 1: sigma_E_DA = np.sqrt([:, 0] ** 2, E_DA[:, 1]) -[:, 0], E_DA[:, 1]) ** 2) else: sigma_E_DA = np.std(E_DA) return sigma_E_DA
[docs]def mean_FRET_DA_ll(acv1, acv2, R0=54, n_dist=10 ** 6): """Calculate the average FRET efficiency <E> between donor and acceptor cloud using LabelLib Parameters ---------- acv1, acv2 : donor and acceptor ACVs R0 : float, default=54 Förster radius in Angstrom n_dist : int, default=10E6 number of distances to calculate Returns ------- float average FRET efficiency between donor and acceptor cloud """ return ll.meanEfficiency(acv1.ll_Grid3D, acv2.ll_Grid3D, R0, n_dist)
[docs]def mean_dist_DA_fromFRET(acv1, acv2, mean_E_DA=None, E_DA=None, R_DA=None, R0=54, n_dist=10 ** 6, verbose=False): """Calculate the FRET averaged donor acceptor distance <R_DA>_E Parameters ---------- acv1, acv2 : donor and acceptor ACVs mean_E_DA : float, default=None average FRET efficiency between donor and acceptor cloud (if None calculate on the fly) E_DA : ndarray, default=None ndarray of length n_dist containing FRET efficiencies between acv1 and acv2 (if None calculate on the fly) R_DA : ndarray, default=None ndarray of length n_dist containing distances between acv1 and acv2 (if None calculate on the fly) R0 : float, default=54 Förster radius in Angstrom n_dist : int, default=10E6 number of distances to calculate verbose : bool, default=False be verbose about calculation steps Returns ------- float FRET averaged donor acceptor distance Examples -------- with known :math:`\\langle E_\\text{DA}\\rangle` (fastest) >>> mean_dist_DA_fromFRET(acv1, acv2, mean_E_DA=mymean_E_DA) with known :math:`E_\\text{DA}`, i.e. :math:`\\langle E_\\text{DA}\\rangle` is calculated on-the-fly >>> mean_dist_DA_fromFRET(acv1, acv2, E_DA=myE_DA) with known :math:`R_\\text{DA}`, i.e. :math:`E_\\text{DA}` and :math:`\\langle E_\\text{DA}\\rangle` are calculated on-the-fly >>> mean_dist_DA_fromFRET(acv1, acv2, R_DA=myR_DA) """ if mean_E_DA is None: mean_E_DA = mean_FRET_DA(acv1, acv2, E_DA, R_DA, R0, n_dist, verbose) if verbose: print("> calculating mean_E_DA") mean_R_DA_E = R0 * (1 / mean_E_DA - 1) ** (1 / 6) return mean_R_DA_E
[docs]def std_dist_DA_fromFRET( acv1, acv2, mean_E_DA=None, sigma_E_DA=None, E_DA=None, R_DA=None, R0=54, n_dist=10 ** 6, verbose=False ): """Calculate the standard deviation of the FRET averaged donor acceptor distances sigma_R_DA_E by error propagation Parameters ---------- acv1, acv2 : donor and acceptor ACVs mean_E_DA : float, default=None average FRET efficiency between donor and acceptor cloud (if None calculate on the fly) sigma_E_DA : float, default=None standard deviation of the FRET efficiencies E_DA : ndarray, default=None ndarray of length n_dist containing FRET efficiencies between acv1 and acv2 (if None calculate on the fly) R_DA : ndarray, default=None ndarray of length n_dist containing distances between acv1 and acv2 (if None calculate on the fly) R0 : float, default=54 Förster radius in Angstrom n_dist : int, default=10E6 number of distances to calculate verbose : bool, default=False be verbose about calculation steps Returns ------- float standard deviation of the FRET averaged donor acceptor distances """ if (mean_E_DA is None) or (sigma_E_DA is None): mean_E_DA = mean_FRET_DA(acv1, acv2, E_DA, R_DA, R0, n_dist, verbose) sigma_E_DA = std_FRET_DA(acv1, acv2, E_DA, R_DA, R0, n_dist, verbose) if verbose: print("> calculating mean_E_DA and sigma_E_DA") # error propagation: sqrt( (df/dx)^2 * sigma_x^2 ) sigma_R_DA_E = np.sqrt((R0 / (6 * (1 / mean_E_DA - 1) ** (5 / 6) * mean_E_DA ** 2)) ** 2 * sigma_E_DA ** 2) return sigma_R_DA_E
[docs]def dist_attach(attach1_xyz, attach2_xyz): """Calculate the distance between the attachment sites Parameters ---------- attach1_xyz, attach2_xyz : ndarray one-dimensional array of x-,y-,z-coordinates of the attachment points Returns ------- float distance between the attachment sites """ R_attach = np.sqrt(sum((attach1_xyz - attach2_xyz) ** 2)) return R_attach
[docs]def R_DAE_to_Rmp(mean_R_DA_E): """Conversion function for <R_DA,E> to R_mp derived in Kalinin, *Nat. Methods* (2012) Parameters ---------- mean_R_DA_E : float FRET averaged donor acceptor distance Returns ------- float distance between the mean dye positions Notes ----- The conversion function between :math:`\\langle R_\\text{DA}\\rangle_E` and :math:`R_\\text{mp}` is a third-order polynomial: .. math:: R_\\text{mp} = 1.109\\cdot 10^{-5}\\cdot\\langle R_\\text{DA}\\rangle_E^3 - 7.286\\cdot 10^{-3}\\cdot \\langle R_\\text{DA}\\rangle_E^2 + 1.979\\cdot\\langle R_\\text{DA}\\rangle_E - 34.345 References ---------- .. [3] Kalinin, S. et al. "A toolkit and benchmark study for FRET-restrained high-precision \ structural modeling", *Nat. Methods* **9**, 1218–1225 (2012). """ R_mp = 1.109 * 10 ** -5 * mean_R_DA_E ** 3 - 7.286 * 10 ** -3 * mean_R_DA_E ** 2 +1.979 * mean_R_DA_E - 34.345 return R_mp