Source code for fretraj.export

#!/usr/bin/env python3

NAME = "D"
NAME_MP = "Mn"

_pdb_format = "{:6}{:5d}{:>5}{:1}{:>3} {:1}{:4d}{:1}   {:>8.3f}{:>8.3f}{:>8.3f}{:>6.2f}{:>6.2f}          {:>2}{:>2}\n"

[docs]def open_dx(grid_3d, xyz_min, d_xyz): """Return an OpenDX formatted string Parameters ---------- density : ndarray 3-dimensional array of grid points with a shape given by n_xyz xyz_min : list origin coordinates of the grid d_xyz : list grid spacing in x-,y- and z-direction Returns ------- str OpenDX formatted string """ xmin, ymin, zmin = xyz_min nx, ny, nz = grid_3d.shape dx, dy, dz = d_xyz s = "" s += "object 1 class gridpositions counts {:d} {:d} {:d}\n".format(nx, ny, nz) s += "origin {:0.3f} {:0.3f} {:0.3f}\n".format(xmin, ymin, zmin) s += "delta {:0.2f} 0 0\n".format(dx) s += "delta 0 {:0.2f} 0\n".format(dy) s += "delta 0 0 {:0.2f}\n".format(dz) s += "object 2 class gridconnections counts {:d} {:d} {:d}\n".format(nx, ny, nz) s += "object 3 class array type double rank 0 items {:d} data follows\n".format(nx * ny * nz) k = 0 for ix in range(0, nx): for iy in range(0, ny): for iz in range(0, nz): s += "{}".format(grid_3d[ix, iy, iz]) k += 1 if k % 3 == 0: s += "\n" else: s += " " s += 'attribute "dep" string "positions"\n' s += 'object "density" class field\n' s += 'component "positions" value 1\n' s += 'component "connections" value 2\n' s += 'component "data" value 3' return s
[docs]def xyz(cloud_xyzqt, mp, write_weights=True, encode_element=False): """Return an XYZ formatted string Parameters ---------- cloud_xyzq : ndarray array of x-,y-,z-coordinates and corresponding weights with a shape [n_gridpts(+), 4] mp : ndarray mean position write_weights : bool, optional=True include weights in XYZ file (5th column) encode_element : bool, optional=False Returns ------- str XYZ formatted string """ n_points = cloud_xyzqt.shape[0] s = "" s += "{:d}\n".format(n_points) s += "# Accessible contact volume\n" if write_weights: for k in range(n_points): if encode_element: if cloud_xyzqt[k, 4] == 2: element = "C" # contact volume else: element = "F" # free volume else: element = ELEMENT s += f"{element:1}\t{cloud_xyzqt[k, 0]:.3f}\t{cloud_xyzqt[k, 1]:.3f}\t{cloud_xyzqt[k, 2]:.3f}\t{cloud_xyzqt[k, 3]:.3f}\n" s += f"{ELEMENT_MP:1}\t{mp[0]:.3f}\t{mp[1]:.3f}\t{mp[2]:.3f}\t{-1:.3f}\n" else: for k in range(n_points): if encode_element: if cloud_xyzqt[k, 4] == 2: element = "C" else: element = "F" else: element = ELEMENT s += f"{element:1}\t{cloud_xyzqt[k, 0]:.3f}\t{cloud_xyzqt[k, 1]:.3f}\t{cloud_xyzqt[k, 2]:.3f}\n" s += f"{ELEMENT_MP:1}\t{mp[0]:.3f}\t{mp[1]:.3f}\t{mp[2]:.3f}\n" return s
[docs]def pdb(cloud_xyzqt, mp): """Returns a PDB formatted string Parameters ---------- cloud_xyzq : ndarray array of x-,y-,z-coordinates and corresponding weights with a shape [n_gridpts(+), 4] tag : ndarray one-dimensional array of length n_gridpts Returns ------- str PDB formatted string Notes ----- the PDB properties are as follows: +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | entry | PyMOL | pos. | +==========================+============+===========+ | ATOM / HETATM | | [1-6] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | atom serial number | (id) | [7-11] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | atom name | (name) | [12-16] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | alternate loc. indicator | (alt) | [17] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | residue name | (resn) | [18-20] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | | | [21] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | chain identifier | (chain) | [22] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | residue seq. number | (resi) | [23-26] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | residue insertion code | | [27] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | | | [28-30] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | x coordinate (in A) | | [31-38] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | y coordinate (in A) | | [39-46] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | z coordinate (in A) | | [47-54] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | occupancy | (q) | [55-60] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | temperature factor | (b) | [61-66] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | | | [67-66] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | element | (element) | [77-78] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ | charge | (fc) | [79-80] | +--------------------------+------------+-----------+ """ n_points = cloud_xyzqt.shape[0] bfactor = 99 s = "" for k in range(n_points): if cloud_xyzqt[k, 4] == 2: resn = "CV" else: resn = "FV" s += _pdb_format.format( "ATOM", k + 1, NAME, " ", resn, " ", int(cloud_xyzqt[k, 4]), " ", cloud_xyzqt[k, 0], cloud_xyzqt[k, 1], cloud_xyzqt[k, 2], bfactor, cloud_xyzqt[k, 3], ELEMENT, " ", ) s += _pdb_format.format( "ATOM", k + 2, NAME_MP, " ", "MP", " ", 0, " ", mp[0], mp[1], mp[2], bfactor, -1, ELEMENT_MP, " " ) return s